The Rag Michael Connelly 9781490774985 Books

"This is a book that should be read by every American. It is a combination of both fact and fiction. The facts detail what is happened in our country over the past years, and the fiction is what may occur if America continues down the current road. It is a frightening scenario and then a heroic account of how Americans react to the loss of their freedoms. I highly recommend it." -David Moxley CEO America's Web Radio, Inc. "1984 meets The Hunger Games meets The Patriot. The Rag takes you on an adventure into what America could become and what makes America great. God fearing patriotic Americans. Men and women willing to pledge their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. A vivid picture of oppression and hopelessness is suddenly infused with heroism and true grit. Get ready to spend a late night with a book you wont be able to put down. Amazing characters, vivid descriptions and.....a must read!" -Pastor Greg Young Host of the Nationally Syndicated Radio Show "Chosen Generation" "The Rag" is a story of America rising from the ashes of the destruction of its Constitutional Republic and a devastating EMP attack that results in the deaths of millions of Americans and a brutal dictatorship killing many more. It is a tale of ordinary American citizens who form militias that stand up against the oppressive federal government forces and their foreign mercenaries. It is a heroic story of a new American revolution, and the brave men and women who refused to give up their rights and decided to go to war to fight for their God and their Country. It is a tale of epic battles by patriots who are usually outnumbered and out-gunned, but still find ways to win. It also a story of deception and betrayal, and of American people who despite all of these challenges prove that true Americans and the things they believe in can survive despite all odds.
The Rag Michael Connelly 9781490774985 Books
Great book. Every American should read itProduct details

Tags : The Rag [Michael Connelly] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This is a book that should be read by every American. It is a combination of both fact and fiction. The facts detail what is happened in our country over the past years,Michael Connelly,The Rag,Trafford,149077498X,Action & Adventure,Fiction,Fiction Action & Adventure,Fiction General,Fiction : Action & Adventure,FictionAction & Adventure,FIC002000
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The Rag Michael Connelly 9781490774985 Books Reviews
Read two chapters before November and I could barely control my anger. My worst nightmare exposed, in black and white, in front of me. New times. Just finished. Well done.
Loved the book. Could not put it down. We see so many similarities to what is happening in this country right now. Spellbinding!
While the concept is interesting and could certainly happen, there were too many nitty-gritty ideas I needed more fleshed out to really get into the story. Of course, the book would be 5 volumes of 600+ pages. I am sure he is aware of this.
Anothe Great books as are all of Connelly's..
Scary truth
great eading
A little different for Connelly
Great book. Every American should read it

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