After the Storm A KGI Novel Maya Banks 9780425263778 Books

After the Storm A KGI Novel Maya Banks 9780425263778 Books
After the Storm by Maya BanksDonovan works with his brothers who all cater to the needs of a few. The government calls on them to retrieve kidnapped people where they can't go.
Rusty Barnes Kelley has been adopted by the Kelley's and she' s grateful for being part of a large safe family.
The company would right another wrong. getting a woman out of an abused situation or relocating them to a safe place.
Rusty has hired the boy, Travis who lives with his sister, Eve and her daughter, Cammie. Van notices how thin and starving they are when he and Rusty go to visit. The house is deplorable and he tries to help them.
Love bantering with the Kelley family at gatherings. Kind of confusing to take all 6 of the brothers in with their spouses and kids but after a while you get used to them all.
Eve has her secrets and keeps them to herself to protect her brother and sister from harm.
After the tornado the brothers move in to help them out. What I like is that excitement and action knowing the father is going to find the family and want them back. We learn why they are on the run...
Love the total family connection throughout also, steamy sex scenes. Telepathic abilities enhance this book.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).

Tags : After the Storm (A KGI Novel) [Maya Banks] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b>The Kelly Group International (KGI): A super-elite, top secret, family-run business. Qualifications: High intelligence,Maya Banks,After the Storm (A KGI Novel),Berkley,0425263770,Romance - Suspense,Brothers and sisters,Brothers and sisters;Fiction.,Intelligence service,Interpersonal attraction,Kentucky Lake (Ky. and Tenn.),Kentucky Lake (Ky. and Tenn.);Fiction.,Love stories,Man-woman relationships,Romantic suspense fiction,Romantic suspense fiction.,Security consultants,AMERICAN LIGHT ROMANTIC FICTION,AMERICAN MYSTERY & SUSPENSE FICTION,Adult & contemporary romance,FICTION Romance Contemporary,FICTION Romance Military,FICTION Romance Suspense,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction-Romance,General Adult,MASS MARKET,Monograph Series, any,RomanceGeneral,United States,romance; romantic suspense; contemporary romance; romance suspense; suspense; military; relationship books; relationships; thriller; alpha male; family; action; romance novels; gifts for women; fiction; gifts for her; fiction books; romance books; women; women gifts; love; mystery; military romance; drama; love story; women's fiction; historical romance; modern; betrayal; friendship; saga; paranormal romance; romance novel; romantic suspense books; novels; books fiction; romantic novels; romance book; contemporary romance books,romance;romantic suspense;contemporary romance;military romance;romance novels;romance books;romantic suspense books;gifts for women;fiction;novels;gifts for her;fiction books;women;books fiction;women gifts;romance novel;women's fiction;romance suspense;romance book;romantic novels;contemporary romance books;mystery;military;alpha male;suspense;love;thriller;paranormal;drama;thrillers;family;paranormal romance;relationships;law enforcement;crime;fantasy;historical romance;adventure;betrayal,FICTION Romance Contemporary,FICTION Romance Military,FICTION Romance Suspense,Fiction - Romance,American Light Romantic Fiction,American Mystery & Suspense Fiction,Fiction,Adult & contemporary romance
After the Storm A KGI Novel Maya Banks 9780425263778 Books Reviews
I want to preface this review by saying that I love Maya Banks, I have about 30 of her books, I've read and loved all of the KGI books. I've been looking forward to Donovan's story, and pre-ordered this as soon as it was available. Having now read it, my reaction is "eh." Donovan spends the first third of the book repeatedly thinking and saying that he envies his brothers, he wants the happiness they've found with their wives, and he dreams of finding the woman made for him so he can fill his house with children and make it a home filled with laughter and happiness. I said that in 3 sentences. Donovan says it over, and over, and over, and over. After about the fourth time my brain rebelled and said Okay - I got that point! still he says it again.
Secondly, because Van is the fifth brother to get his own book, when the heroine is introduced they waste another 10% of the book rehashing everybody else's story. The purpose is to tell her that she is not the only woman on-the-run, with serious problems, and they are not the only couple who met under adverse circumstances, but notwithstanding the legitimate purpose, we are forced to swallow a cut-and-paste synopsis of every other Kelly brother book that preceded this one.
Thirdly, character development Van has none - he is who he has always been. The heroine is introduced as someone fragile, frightened, and feeling that she can't afford to trust anyone. However, she meets Van (day one) for fifteen minutes and is afraid of him. Van returns the next day (day two) with groceries she didn't ask for and stays for maybe thirty minutes. He returns before dawn the next day (day three) and rescues heroine and her two siblings from a tornado, tucks everyone in his car and moves them all into his house, and kisses her that night. The next day, day four, she's in his bed and having sex. Well, THAT was certainly fast! I thought she was scared, fragile, and couldn't trust anybody. No real explanation as to why that changed. One of the siblings is a four-year-old girl who is also afraid of everyone. She, however, accepts both Swaney and Van on day three, and tells Van she loves him on day four. Again, that's too much, too soon, and therefore entirely unbelievable.
Fourthly, let's talk about plot there's not much of one! Heroine is on the run from bad guys, because of a misunderstanding they capture her and make her disappear. The Kellys have to gather their resources, find her, and after a raid on a major facility (not a spoiler because there's ALWAYS a raid on a major facility) she's rescued, recovers in Van's arms, and everyone lives happily ever after. The end. Have we seen this before?? Like in EVERY Kelly book? It's like the same story, with the names and locations changed to give the illusion of originality. It's lame!
Finally, my own personal objection at the beginning of the story there is a federal interstate kidnapping warrant out for the heroine which is a major factor in her desire to remain invisible. At the end of the book, it's not discussed - it just stopped being a problem. Another character steals a gun, hijacks a plane, and forces the pilot to fly completely across country. That too just goes away without explanation. Sorry, but FBI interstate warrants don't just disappear, and the FAA frowns on plane hijackers. These problems needed to be addressed, not ignored in favor of a HEA.
This book is just too rushed, too unbelievable, without new twists, and leaving too many loose ends. If you've been following the KGI series, it is worthwhile to read this one to keep up with events. You do get updates on all the other brothers marriages and children, and there is a development in Rusty and Sean's relationship (yeah!), and focus at the end is on Joe, the last unattached brother. If you haven't been following the series, you wouldn't want to begin with this book anyway, start at the beginning and read them in order. While I like Maya and love the series, this one is just not as original as those that came before. I even forgot to comment about the sex scenes Maya is known for writing hot, intense, twisted, semi-kinky sex scenes. The ones in this book, between Van and heroine? sweet, tender, gentle, almost Disney-level sex scenes (with apologies to Disney!). This one is disappointing - there was no work invested, and nothing original here. Hopefully Swaney's story will be better.
If you're not a diehard Maya Banks fan, don't bother with this one. She's got better out there. At her best, Maya Banks can really tell a story. She usually has incredible plot lines and characters you can't but help fall in love with. Of course, many fans like me are going to read anything she writes and I'll read the next one. I just hope it's a lot better than this one. I think this is the only book of hers that I was truly disappointed in. Donovan's story deserved so much more effort than this. I feel really sad, feel that he was cheated out of the story he and I deserved.
The plot was very poorly constructed, very unbelievable at times, very contrived. So much of what happened didn't make sense She always has intricately developed plots that come across as believable most of the time. The KGI characters are strong and well developed. Donovan comes off as this namby-pamby man who has to have an instant family, instantly. That's not the Donovan that we've all come to love. Donovan has always had a soft spot for women and children. He especially wouldn't have treated the abused woman and children of the novel the way he did. He would have had more respect for them and spent more time gaining their trust before insisting they were HIS.
I simply don't understand the 4 and 5 stars a "niche" author gets even when the book doesn't come near to deserving it. I know she has a devoted fan base. I'm part of that. To give 4 or 5 stars to every book a favorite author writes does a great disservice to not only the author but her readers. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence with her and many authors like her. False praise doesn't help anybody.
I would rather the author not write another KGI novel, than write one of this quality.
After the Storm by Maya Banks
Donovan works with his brothers who all cater to the needs of a few. The government calls on them to retrieve kidnapped people where they can't go.
Rusty Barnes Kelley has been adopted by the Kelley's and she' s grateful for being part of a large safe family.
The company would right another wrong. getting a woman out of an abused situation or relocating them to a safe place.
Rusty has hired the boy, Travis who lives with his sister, Eve and her daughter, Cammie. Van notices how thin and starving they are when he and Rusty go to visit. The house is deplorable and he tries to help them.
Love bantering with the Kelley family at gatherings. Kind of confusing to take all 6 of the brothers in with their spouses and kids but after a while you get used to them all.
Eve has her secrets and keeps them to herself to protect her brother and sister from harm.
After the tornado the brothers move in to help them out. What I like is that excitement and action knowing the father is going to find the family and want them back. We learn why they are on the run...
Love the total family connection throughout also, steamy sex scenes. Telepathic abilities enhance this book.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).

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