The Iron King Julie Kagawa Books

The Iron King Julie Kagawa Books
Another reviewer already noticed this and gave a more detailed review, but I thought it was worth another mention because I can't believe it's getting high reviews for such a ripoff.WATCH THE MOVIE LABYRINTH - this book was totally copied from it!!!
Everything from the characters to the scenarios is a Labyrinth flashback. I can't believe how authors can steal ideas from other people and publish it as their own, and get five star ratings for it these days. WTF people!?!
Also, the characterizations are so dull. Everyone fills a cliché spot, and the heroine falls in love with the hero, leaving her bestfriend brokenhearted (while he's stuck recuperating in a tree) when there was little to no romance at all between them. So they went through that mini-quest together - but so what? At the end, suddenly they declare their love for each other? WTH? The entire time I was reading this I was so annoyed at the rip-offed characters and plot, but that revelation just made me laugh out loud from the absurdity of it all. Good god! I hope Jim Henson and the owners of Labyrinth at least get a portion of the profits from this, because they certainly deserve it.

Tags : The Iron King (9780373210084): Julie Kagawa: Books,Julie Kagawa,The Iron King,Harlequin Teen,0373210086,Family - Parents,Fantasy - General,Social Themes - Friendship,Fairies;Fiction.,Fantasy,Fantasy fiction.,Fathers and daughters,Kings;Fiction.,Magic,Teenage girls,10011617,115026X,20100201,707220,Action & Adventure - General,Canada,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fairies,Fantasy & Magic,Fantasy; Paranormal; Young Adult; Dark; Dark Fantasy; Fairy; Paranormal Suspense; teen; Teen Series; YA; ya books; YA Romance; young adult books; Young adult fantasy; RITA; award; award winning,Fiction,Fiction-Fantasy,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile FictionAction & Adventure - General,Juvenile FictionLove & Romance,Juvenile FictionRoyalty,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Kings,Kings;Fiction.,Love & Romance,Magic,Monograph Series, any,Science fiction (Children's Teenage),Social Themes - Friendship,TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,Teenage girls,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Family Parents,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Friendship,Young Adult;Dark;Dark Fantasy;Fairy;Fantasy;Paranormal;Paranormal Suspense;teen;Teen Series;YA;ya books;YA Romance;young adult books;Young adult fantasy;RITA;award;award winning,Action & Adventure - General,Fantasy & Magic,JUVENILE FICTION Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile FictionAction & Adventure - General,Juvenile FictionLove & Romance,Juvenile FictionRoyalty,Love & Romance,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Family Parents,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Friendship,Fairies,Fiction,Kings,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Science fiction (Children's Teenage)
The Iron King Julie Kagawa Books Reviews
The day before her sixteenth birthday, Meghan Chase is concerned with the things you'd expect getting her mother to drive her to the DMV the next day, getting to the school bus on time, the school's hottest jock, and convincing her little brother that, no, there is not a man hiding in his closet. And then... well, and then she starts seeing impossible things, her best-friend starts acting weird, and to top it all off, she's attacked by her little brother. Only, according to the aforementioned best-friend, it wasn't Ethan who attacked her. It was a Changeling. The real Ethan has been kidnapped - by faeries. And we're not talking the silly, sparkly kind. Of course, Meghan thinks he's insane. But, it turns out that there's a reason he's so certain about what happened. He's Fae himself. And, obviously, Meghan is determined to go after her brother; if she can convince someone to take her into the Never-Never (Faery to the uninitiated). I mean, there has to be some advantage to having Robin Goodfellow for a friend, right?
Of course, nothing is ever simple, especially when dealing with faeries, and Meghan soon discovers that nothing is as it seems and there is far more going on and at stake than she ever expected. If she's going to rescue Ethan, she's going to need help not only from Puck, but also a very annoying talking cat, and Ash, an annoyingly handsome fae prince.
I enjoyed this book. It's funny, clever, and well written. There is some mild language. And, yes, the romance in this series follows a formula that most teenage girls will easily recognize, but it also turns certain aspects of it on its head, which I found amusing . If you don't like love-triangles, however, stay away. Despite all of this, this story has far more happening in it. It is far more an adventure story; Meghan has a purpose, a goal besides getting the guy, through it all, and she's willing to go to great lengths to achieve it.
I started this book a little lacklusterly, almost not reading past the first couple of chapters. Though instantly liking the main character, Meghan Chase, I found the portrayal of high school teens and their drama a little over-the-top, but I stuck with it, and by chapter six I was completely pulled in, glad I'd stuck it out. Once it gets there, it's perfect if you're in the mood for a light, fun, new-teen-love, action story, which I was )
Julie Kawaga's faery world is great. My first fairy story since Laurell K. Hamilton's Merry Gentry series, I was excited to follow Meghan through her adventure, interested to see the author's creation/interpretation of this otherworld. The world building was basic, but enough, the movement between the NeverNever and our world, I think, allowing the author to focus on the story rather than worry so much about creating constantly changing fantastical elements. Those elements that are created are rich and vibrant, and set the stage perfectly for the future of the series.
The whole concept and creation of the Iron King was clever, inspired, and on-point with the mythology of the feary world, reminding me a little of Neil Gaiman's modern tech deities from American Gods. Little metallic gnomes and gremlins collecting scraps of broken tech, deadened, metallic trees whose branches act like sharpened knives created a nice paradox to the vibrant colors and life of the Summer and Winter Courts.
The Iron King is published under Harlequin's Teen branch, so naturally, there's a love triangle element. I found the subtlety of it refreshing but still wondered at the exact placement of certain events that seemed a bit forced. I get that 'X' has to happen for 'Y' to occur but take the time to develop the events. Maybe, I'm just a little out of touch with the teenage psyche... still, I enjoyed the forbidden love element, and the heart-strings were thrummed more than twice.
In the end, it was the love story that brought me through the series ;) It's the reason I like these kinds of books, using them as a nice relaxing get-away-from-reality read. This series fit the bill, and I fully recommend buying the 3 book series as a set (it also comes with the 2 novellas that bridge the books, which were cute).
Happy reading )
Another reviewer already noticed this and gave a more detailed review, but I thought it was worth another mention because I can't believe it's getting high reviews for such a ripoff.
WATCH THE MOVIE LABYRINTH - this book was totally copied from it!!!
Everything from the characters to the scenarios is a Labyrinth flashback. I can't believe how authors can steal ideas from other people and publish it as their own, and get five star ratings for it these days. WTF people!?!
Also, the characterizations are so dull. Everyone fills a cliché spot, and the heroine falls in love with the hero, leaving her bestfriend brokenhearted (while he's stuck recuperating in a tree) when there was little to no romance at all between them. So they went through that mini-quest together - but so what? At the end, suddenly they declare their love for each other? WTH? The entire time I was reading this I was so annoyed at the rip-offed characters and plot, but that revelation just made me laugh out loud from the absurdity of it all. Good god! I hope Jim Henson and the owners of Labyrinth at least get a portion of the profits from this, because they certainly deserve it.

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