Forever Erma BestLoved Writing from America Favorite Humorist Erma Bombeck 9781567313659 Books

Forever Erma BestLoved Writing from America Favorite Humorist Erma Bombeck 9781567313659 Books
I used to have this book in hard copy, but apparently it was never returned after I loaned it out. So getting it again on my Kindle was a real joy. This book reminds me that there is always humor to be found in even the most mundane situations. I had tears of laughter in my eyes within the first few stories here, because of Erma's unique talent for putting an unexpected twist into the situation.
Tags : Forever, Erma: Best-Loved Writing from America's Favorite Humorist [Erma Bombeck] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Readers around the world loved Erma Bombeck and cherished every one of her columns. Forever, Erma, a collection of columns dating from her first in January 1965 to her last in April 1996,Erma Bombeck,Forever, Erma: Best-Loved Writing from America's Favorite Humorist,Mjf Books,1567313655,0929-WS0401-A02023-1567313655,General,General & Literary Fiction,Humor,Humor General,Humor Topic Marriage & Family,Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945),Modern fiction,Topic - Family
Forever Erma BestLoved Writing from America Favorite Humorist Erma Bombeck 9781567313659 Books Reviews
Bought this book last Friday evening. By Sunday, I had read through most of Erma's columns from the '60's and '70's - which, I think, are her best (funniest). By Sunday, I felt an unmistakable happy glow that is still with me today (Monday). Erma with her wonderful outsized sense of humor made me laugh out loud countless times. Yes, some of the references are dated, but who cares? This is such a treasure trove of laughter. I am delighted this book is available on . Erma will forever be available when I need a smile.
P.S. While I do think the older columns are Erma's best, the ones from the later decades are also super. It's just that Erma was absolutely hitting five stars plus with so much of her earlier material. That said, I love everything she wrote.
I hadn't realized how much I missed Erma's "voice" until I read this compendium of her columns. It was like meeting an old and cherished friend. As a lifelong Daytonian, who grew up reading Erma's column, I remembered almost every entry in this book, and so enjoyed re-reading every single line. Only Erma could make us laugh, or cry, so hard over our ordinary, every day life. She spoke for women about women; wives, mothers, caretakers, and homemakers everywhere, and in doing so, provided us a brief respite from frustration, boredom, mediocrity, and the "quiet desperation" of our lives.
Five stars aren't NEARLY enough to rate this book. I devoured her books as we were raising our 3 rambunctious boys. So often, the hilarious stories of her motherhood experiences paralleled my own and helped me keep my sanity. Her wonderful personality and humanity made her readers feel they knew her personally. She was an American treasure and this book of selections from some of her books is a fitting tribute to a wonderful humorist and human being. If you haven't read ALL of her books, you should!
When I saw this book listed from I could hardly wait to order it. I was one of those people back in the 60's who cut out her columns and put them in my save box. Later on when she wrote her books I bought them and have several. When I had to down size and get rid of books , hers are the ones I have in my one bookcase. The best thing about this book is that most of these were new to me. And as I read the letters at the end from her three children and husband as well as friends I shed tears
For the same reasons as most others who are giving this only three stars, that's really the best I can give it as well. I have been aching for something laugh out loud funny lately while going through some personal struggles, and I remembered how I kept my late husband awake because I would be laughing so hard while reading her books. So it was with a great deal of disappointment that I found that much of what was hilarious forty years ago just falls flat in 2016. I'd have thought her timeless, but alas it isn't so.
I used to read her column in the paper when I was younger and remember my Mum clipping columns when I was a child to hang on the refrigerator door. Her humor is timeless. It was a trip down memory lane to read this- and I got some much needed laughs, smiles, and the occasional tear. Younger generations may not "get" some of her references, but the sentiment still rings true today. She never laughed at anyone else's expense- was never rude or crude. Her writing can span the generations-those of us old enough to remember her column in the paper will enjoy the memories and those too young to remember her will learn something about how to laugh at one's self and see the humor in everyday problems rather than allow them to be taken too seriously.
Waxing nostalgic usually isn't my thing. If nothing else, when you're as old as I am, the past stretches back so far that details become a little muddled - so why bother? But when I saw this book on sale at , the memories really did come flooding back and I snapped it up. Besides getting a good deal, I needed a dose of comic relief from the psychological thrillers and grisly murder books that are my standard fare and figured this one would provide it. And I was right.
For those who don't know, humorist Erma Bombeck penned more than 4,000 syndicated "At Wit's End" newspaper columns from 1965 to 1996 - and I'm quite sure I read most of them as well as a couple of her books. Her primary intent was to make women laugh - often at themselves - and she pulled that off in fine fettle. And just for because it's meaningful to me, I'll note that she's a native of "my" state of Ohio, growing up and living for years in a town not far from my parents' small farm.
This book is an anthology of those columns. Are they dated? Absolutely; I doubt they would be nearly as funny to mothers of today. Then again, some things never change; my newfangled digital washing machine withholds socks just like the old one did (they tend to reappear, of course, just after I've given up waiting and throw away the mate I've been saving for months).
For those who might complain about female stereotypes, I hasten to emphasize that I was then, and still am, a staunch feminist. But I also had a husband, two kids and, after both were in school, a career. So no matter how many times I paraded in the street with sign proclaiming "Adam was a Rough Draft," it was into my hand, not my husband's, that my kids spit their chewing gum as we sat in church.
Besides making me laugh, Erma assuaged my "bad mom" twinges when I used TV - and a box of way-too sugary Fruit Loops - as a Saturday morning babysitter so I could have an hour or two of relative peace and quiet. She even made me feel less guilty on the days I threatened to take them both to a winery, stick them in kegs and come back to pull the plugs when they were 21.
So for me, a golden oldie who grew up in the '50s, these columns are a treasure trove. Browsing through this collection, I did exactly what I did back then I smiled, giggled, chortled and hooted out loud. And yes, I teared up on occasion; her "Mike and the Grass" column in May 1973 tugged at the "Sunrise, Sunset" strings of my heart, and I sniffled my way through the words in her final column, written not long before she left this world. Love you forever, Erma, and I know without doubt that if there is a heaven, you're in it - telling the angels how it really is and making them laugh until they (well, you know).
I used to have this book in hard copy, but apparently it was never returned after I loaned it out. So getting it again on my was a real joy. This book reminds me that there is always humor to be found in even the most mundane situations. I had tears of laughter in my eyes within the first few stories here, because of Erma's unique talent for putting an unexpected twist into the situation.

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